Clave Nagila Debuts to a Packed House!

dsc_0398You know how sometimes you have an idea that you think is great, but you have no idea how others are going to react? Well, that’s how I’ve felt about Clave Nagila since the idea was born in Port Townsend four years ago. I had a suspicion that it was an idea who’s time had come, but you never know.

Nate Omdal and I have been working on the arrangements for over a year now. We started with this book of Jewish melodies and transformed them by adding different Latin rhythms to each piece. As each new arrangement was completed we grew ever more confident that we were on the right track.

dsc_0381Last Thursday the band made its debut at Egan’s. I arrived about an hour early to get warmed up and go over the parts one more time with the band. The first people to show up were folks I didn’t know, which I took as a good sign! By the time we took the stage the room was full! Family, friends and strangers all turned out to see what the fuss was all about. It was amazing to look out from the stage and see the anticipation on the faces. And all this for a band that hadn’t even played a note yet!

The show was a blast, and the response since has been truly amazing. This band may just become my most popular band!

dsc_0385I have to give huge thanks to Nate. Without his enthusiasm and dedication to the project it never would have seen the light of day. And I am honored and thrilled to have such a great band to make these songs come to life: Tobi Stone, Adrian Witherspoon, Brian Bermudez, Adam Kessler and Lalo Bello. Thanks to one and all!

I recorded the set, and as soon as I can find the time to go through it I will post a song or two. You really gotta hear this! Stay tuned for the further adventures of Clave Nagila!